WE ARE BACK! Issue #1/2014
Hey Hey!
finally we can say... WE ARE BACK!
There are lots things to say, lots news and updates after few month away (we made an hard team building lost somewhere on the mountains making lot of stuff!!)
We wanted to make a smart website, where all our friends could find our cool MITCHUMM Ind. Collections, a little Barber corner (soon online), a Book spot dedicated to our mood (from sex to nature, design & more...), a Music chart where you can download or listen our mood made in collaboration with the crew of MARKER.
Last but not for sure the least you can find our latest wow Cycling Collection made with amazing technical garments like carbon fiber with a cool vintage look. (soon available!)
What about this cover for the Issue #1.2014?
Yes, we'd like to make some cool issue, with a sort of blog taste, easy to share. We will make a lifestyle journal of Mitchumm with what we like most. Mens fashion, engines, cycling, design, surf and waves and obviously girls!
What else?
We just hope you can enjoy our new project and suggest us what you like more or what you will do for making mitchumm.com cooler!
Please write us your suggestions or a simply "HELLO!" to shop@mitchumm.com or if you are around our Headquarter area (Como-Lake of Como-Italy) come to visit us for a coffee!!
See you soon
The Mitchumm Staff